UAB Anarmega

Powder coating and abrasive shot blasting

Televizorių St. 4, LT-78137 Šiauliai, Lithuania
+370 41 540114, +370 698 40310
About us

UAB Anarmega

We are one of the largest powder coating companies in Northern Lithuania. The company has been engaged in this business since 2003 and has accumulated extensive experience.

We strive for the highest quality of services, timely execution of orders and we apply a flexible pricing policy.

From September 2019 we are planning to provide a metal cleaning (abrasive blasting) service. The Company’s objectives are to further expand its cooperation with existing and new customers.


Powder Painting

Our powder painting line is designed to meet the quality needs of our customers. One of the most important factors that prove the quality of our painted products is the proper surface preparation before painting. During the automated process, we remove surface dirt and cover with iron phosphate film, which ensures excellent adhesion of paint to the painted element.

The maximum dimensions of products subject to painting are 7000 mm x 1000 mm x 2000 mm, and the thickness of the layer on surface to be painted is made according to the customer’s wishes.


Abrasive Shot Blasting

Abrasive shot blasting is the treatment of metal or metal alloy surfaces with the forcibly propelling stream of abrasive metal pellets against a surface under high pressure. Shot blasting allows to achieve greater work efficiency and, above all, perfect cleanliness of the treated surface. This method of metal surface cleaning is used in order roughen a smooth surface, to make it mat, opaque, to remove rust, plaque as well as other contaminants from metal surfaces. Having selected the right size of pellets, the proper quantity of compressed air, it is possible to treat even extremely thin metal tin sheets.

Abrasive shot blasting provides the highest level of efficiency and quality. A properly treated, consolidated metal surface provides a possibility to extend significantly the life of parts.

Place your reliance on real professionals!

UAB Anarmega

Company code 145897922
VAT registration code: LT458979219


Televizorių St. 4, LT-78137 Šiauliai, Lithuania


+370 41 540114, +370 698 40310


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